EAA 2024: Sessions mit Themen rund um Geschlechter- und Frauenforschung
Autorin: Clara Schaller, Datum: 26.01.2024
Der Call for Papers der EAA 2024 in Rom läuft noch bis zum 08.02.2024. Die untenstehenden Sessions können unter dem Blickwinkel der Genderarchäologie und Frauenforschung interessant sein. Die Auswahl erfolgte mit der Stichwortsuche nach Gender / Women / Feminist.
Die Sessions #1060, #1138, #1168 und #1173 werden von oder mit Beteiligung der Working Group AGE – Archaeology and Gender in Europe organisiert.
Näheres zu den einzelnen Sessions ist dem Programm auf der Konferenzwebsite zu entnehmen: https://www.e‑a-a.org/EAA2024/Programme.aspx?WebsiteKey=20b5538d-68f8-4056–9596-1ae1ce0ead47&hkey=fe6595a9-39e9-47f1-8159–520091f89dfa&Program=3#Program bei den zahlreichen Sessions angemeldet werden. Dank des Online-Formulars können die Sessions auch nach Stichworten abgesucht werden; mit den Suchbegriffen gender / women / equality kam diese Liste zustande.
- Session: #209: Not Another Session on Ethnicity! Replacing Ethnic with Other Types of Group Identities
Session: #247: Essential or Essentialist: Sex and Gender Categories in Archaeological Interpretation
Session: #520: Persisting and Changing Work Identities from the Prehistoric to the Hellenistic Mediterranean
Session: #654: Centering the object: between production and consumption in ceramic studies
Session: #679: Gender and Sexualities in Material Culture of the Ancient World
Session: #738: Reclaiming Herstory: Women in Mediterranean Archaeology from the 18th Century to Today
Session: #834: Women through the Ages: Roles, Rituals, and Research through the Lenses of Archaeological Sciences
Session: #856: So Falls the World: Archaeology and Heritage against Empire(s)
Session: #926: Bridging Past and Present: Exploring Collaborative Approaches in Community and Citizen Archaeology
Session: #928: Why We Should Persist in Making Archaeology Accessible and Inclusive to All?
Session: #1036: Exploring the Craft of Archaeological Mapping and Mapping Archaeology for Change
Session: #1060: Feminist Perspectives on Social Archaeology. AGE Session In Memoriam Liv Helga Dommasnes
Session: #1078: Women at Archeological Conferences from the 19th Century to the Late 1990s: Presence, Representation and Experiences
Session: #1083: Biography, Personhood, Politics, Ancestry and Luck: The Archaeology of Life Paths
Session: #1138: The Anti-HABI Toolkit: 2nd Workshop on Solutions and Measures for Preventing and Addressing Harassment, Assault, Bullying and Intimidation in Archaeology
Session: #1145: Actor/Object/Space. Current Perspectives on Theory and Methodology of Gendered Materiality in Ritual Spaces from 8th to 3rd Century B.C.
Session: #1168: “Not All Men”? Approaching Masculinities as Gendered Identities within Their Social Contexts and Practices in Prehistoric Europe
Session: #1173: Gender and Economies in Transition in the 1st Millennium BC Mediterranean
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