EAA 2024: Sessions mit Themen rund um Geschlechter- und Frauenforschung

Autorin: Cla­ra Schal­ler, Datum: 26.01.2024


Der Call for Papers der EAA 2024 in Rom läuft noch bis zum 08.02.2024. Die unten­ste­hen­den Ses­si­ons kön­nen unter dem Blick­win­kel der Gen­der­ar­chäo­lo­gie und Frau­en­for­schung inter­es­sant sein. Die Aus­wahl erfolg­te mit der Stich­wort­su­che nach Gen­der / Women / Femi­nist.

Die Ses­si­ons #1060, #1138, #1168 und #1173 wer­den von oder mit Betei­li­gung der Working Group AGE – Archaeo­lo­gy and Gen­der in Euro­pe orga­ni­siert.
Nähe­res zu den ein­zel­nen Ses­si­ons ist dem Pro­gramm auf der Kon­fe­renz­web­site zu ent­neh­men: https://www.e‑a-a.org/EAA2024/Programme.aspx?WebsiteKey=20b5538d-68f8-4056–9596-1ae1ce0ead47&hkey=fe6595a9-39e9-47f1-8159–520091f89dfa&Program=3#Program bei den zahl­rei­chen Ses­si­ons ange­mel­det wer­den. Dank des Online-For­mu­lars kön­nen die Ses­si­ons auch nach Stich­wor­ten abge­sucht wer­den; mit den Such­be­grif­fen gen­der / women / equa­li­ty kam die­se Lis­te zustan­de.

  • Ses­si­on: #209: Not Ano­ther Ses­si­on on Eth­ni­ci­ty! Repla­cing Eth­nic with Other Types of Group Iden­ti­ties
    Ses­si­on: #247: Essen­ti­al or Essen­tia­list: Sex and Gen­der Cate­go­ries in Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Inter­pre­ta­ti­on
    Ses­si­on: #520: Per­sis­ting and Chan­ging Work Iden­ti­ties from the Pre­his­to­ric to the Hel­le­ni­stic Medi­ter­ra­ne­an
    Ses­si­on: #654: Cen­te­ring the object: bet­ween pro­duc­tion and con­sump­ti­on in cera­mic stu­dies
    Ses­si­on: #679: Gen­der and Sexua­li­ties in Mate­ri­al Cul­tu­re of the Anci­ent World
    Ses­si­on: #738: Reclai­ming Her­sto­ry: Women in Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Archaeo­lo­gy from the 18th Cen­tu­ry to Today
    Ses­si­on: #834: Women through the Ages: Roles, Ritu­als, and Rese­arch through the Len­ses of Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Sci­en­ces
    Ses­si­on: #856: So Falls the World: Archaeo­lo­gy and Heri­ta­ge against Empire(s)
    Ses­si­on: #926: Bridging Past and Pre­sent: Explo­ring Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve Approa­ches in Com­mu­ni­ty and Citi­zen Archaeo­lo­gy
    Ses­si­on: #928: Why We Should Per­sist in Making Archaeo­lo­gy Acces­si­ble and Inclu­si­ve to All?
    Ses­si­on: #1036: Explo­ring the Craft of Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Map­ping and Map­ping Archaeo­lo­gy for Chan­ge
    Ses­si­on: #1060: Femi­nist Per­spec­ti­ves on Social Archaeo­lo­gy. AGE Ses­si­on In Memo­ri­am Liv Hel­ga Dom­mas­nes
    Ses­si­on: #1078: Women at Archeo­lo­gi­cal Con­fe­ren­ces from the 19th Cen­tu­ry to the Late 1990s: Pre­sence, Repre­sen­ta­ti­on and Expe­ri­en­ces
    Ses­si­on: #1083: Bio­gra­phy, Per­son­hood, Poli­tics, Ancestry and Luck: The Archaeo­lo­gy of Life Paths
    Ses­si­on: #1138: The Anti-HABI Tool­kit: 2nd Work­shop on Solu­ti­ons and Mea­su­res for Pre­ven­ting and Addres­sing Harass­ment, Assault, Bul­ly­ing and Inti­mi­da­ti­on in Archaeo­lo­gy
    Ses­si­on: #1145: Actor/Object/Space. Cur­rent Per­spec­ti­ves on Theo­ry and Metho­do­lo­gy of Gen­de­red Mate­ria­li­ty in Ritu­al Spaces from 8th to 3rd Cen­tu­ry B.C.
    Ses­si­on: #1168: “Not All Men”? Approa­ching Mas­cu­li­n­i­ties as Gen­de­red Iden­ti­ties within Their Social Con­texts and Prac­ti­ces in Pre­his­to­ric Euro­pe
    Ses­si­on: #1173: Gen­der and Eco­no­mies in Tran­si­ti­on in the 1st Mill­en­ni­um BC Medi­ter­ra­ne­an



    c/o Muse­um Herx­heim
    Unte­re Haupt­stra­ße 153
    76863 Herx­heim

    E‑Mail: redaktion@femarc.de
    Web: www.femarc.de


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