Homogenization, Gender and Everyday Life in Pre- and Trans-modern Iran

Homogenization, Gender and Everyday Life in Pre- and Trans-modern Iran


Homo­ge­niza­ti­on, Gen­der and Ever­y­day Life in Pre- and Trans-modern Iran: An Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Rea­ding is actual­ly an effort to inves­ti­ga­te the inter­ac­tion of power struc­tu­re and gen­der in the con­text of ever­y­day life in Iran in the 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ries. The book pur­sues two main goals: situa­ting gen­der in Ira­ni­an archaeo­lo­gy and cal­ling for more con­side­ra­ti­on to dai­ly life in archaeo­lo­gi­cal gen­der rese­ar­ches. Dra­wing on a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­al cul­tu­re, tex­tu­al evi­dence, sta­tis­tics and oral accounts, all chap­ters ren­der the des­truc­tion of the ever­y­day life of ordi­na­ry peo­p­le. Events like par­ties and cere­mo­nies, mar­ria­ge and kin­ship, sexu­al prac­ti­ces, dress codes and even eating and drin­king were gent­ly regu­la­ted by the sur­veil­lan­ce sta­te. Accor­din­gly, the term homo­ge­niza­ti­on in the book’s title refers to the poli­ci­es of the Pahl­avi govern­ment, the first Ira­ni­an modern cen­tra­li­zed sta­te. In this way, the book seeks to under­stand the pro­cess of gen­der and sexu­al trans­for­ma­ti­on of Ira­ni­an socie­ty, the pro­cess which resul­ted in the pro­duc­tion of devi­ants and nega­ti­ve gen­der and sexu­al lives.

Being the first archaeo­lo­gi­cal rese­arch on gen­der by nati­ve archaeo­lo­gists, the aut­hors sta­te the fact that this book inves­ti­ga­tes the poli­tics of gen­der while many other aspects of gen­der remain still unin­ves­ti­ga­ted.

Die Autorin­nen spre­chen mit der Hum­boldt-Stif­tung, die das Buch geför­dert hat, über ihre Publi­ka­ti­on und ihre For­schun­gen: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/entdecken/newsroom/aktuelles/eine-andere-welt-ist-moeglich.


Lei­la Papo­li-Yaz­di, Maryam Dez­hamkhooy
Homo­ge­niza­ti­on, Gen­der and Ever­y­day Life in Pre- and Trans-modern Iran: An Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Rea­ding
Frau­en – For­schung – Archäo­lo­gie 15
182 Sei­ten, Paper­back
Wax­mann Ver­lag Müns­ter 2021
ISBN 978–3‑8309–4350‑1
29,90 €

Erhält­lich im Buch­han­del oder beim Wax­mann Ver­lag.


c/o Muse­um Herx­heim
Unte­re Haupt­stra­ße 153
76863 Herx­heim

E‑Mail: redaktion@femarc.de
Web: www.femarc.de


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IBAN: DE36 2505 0180 0910 2955 65

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